Team Values
to uphold throughout the season. “e whole team must be involved in
creating and agreeing upon values. “is activity helps team members
ideate and de!ne values that are important to them as an individual and a
collective. “e end of the session provides the opportunity for the team to
prototype a measurement tool which they will use to test the created values
and their function.
Giving the team agency to create their own team values helps team
members take ownership over what they want their team to live up to
during and out of season. “is activity is a useful tool to show teamwork
outside of the act of physically playing the sport. “ere will be natural shifts
in who steps up as leader to guide the session, who thrives in ambiguity,
and generally, how team members handle taking their team values into
their own hands.
“is session should take place in preseason or early in the season to ensure
that everyone is on the same path for the long road ahead. “is particular
session works well when there aren’t pre-determined team values for the
speci!c group, or when the team needs accountability or clarity into why
they do what they do, what they care about, and what motivates them.
Facilitators Guide: Team Values