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Successes & Testimonials
The Designing Your Team program encouraged a side of vulnerability and depth from some of my teammates that may have not been available in another setting had we not partaken in the program…  There is always room for growth when it comes to leadership and teamwork. When we become comfortable, we become complacent. This program encouraged me to recognize this further and be mindful of working to push myself outside of my comfort zone while simultaneously encouraging my teammates to do the same.

  – Kiera HavillPlayer, PomonaPitzer Lacrosse

Our team has spent over two years using the Designing Your Team framework and not surprisingly, the last two seasons have been some of our most successful both on and off the field.  The two are connected, because as we established better ways of communicating with each other and developing our team culture, there was a positive impact in how the group played together as a team on the field.  Having everyone engaged in a process to learn about and with each other, to set expectations together, and to find a space within the group for all team members brought us to a stronger level of trust and buy-in.” 

– Jen Scanlon, Head Coach, PomonaPitzer Soccer

The Designing Your Team program was a very helpful way to open up conversation within our team on topics ranging from leadership to team values. Our team benefitted greatly from having an outside moderator who was able to help lead them in discussion. “

– Sarah Queener, Head Coach, PomonaPitzer Lacrosse

“During our second time doing Designing Your Team, we built upon the previous year and really took control of how we wanted our season to look and feel. We prioritized our goals, our mottos, and ways we were going to get there and as a result, had the best season we’ve ever had in program history. I don’t think our team would have had the success we did during those two years without the DYT program.

  – Isa BerardoCaptain, PomonaPitzer Soccer

“All coaches should make the time for off the field/court training to create these unique opportunities for understanding, growth and team building… The Pomona-Pitzer Softball team walked away from each session with a better understanding of themselves and their teammates. Each session provided valuable insight into “off the field” team training and positively contributed to a more supportive, collaborative and healthier team culture. 

– Joanne Ferguson, Head Coach, PomonaPitzer Softball