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AI & ChatGPT

Check out a list of AI Resources for instructors here and watch our Introduction to Generative AI Panel here.

Claremont Colleges AI-Based Assignment Repository: Request for submissions

This academic year, the CTL Faculty Fellows brought together an interdisciplinary group of faculty from the Claremont Colleges to focus on the theme: Responding to Generative AI in Education. We (Gizem Karaali, professor of mathematics and statistics at Pomona, and Alessia Lupo Cecchet, visiting assistant professor of media studies at Pitzer) are a part of this group. So far we have put together a partial list of resources for faculty. Please check it out!

At this time, we are working to create a more Claremont-focused resource for local faculty: a repository of AI-based assignments that current Claremont faculty have themselves used. So we need your help!

  • Have you used AI for an assignment in the context of a class?
  • Do you ask your students to use AI in a specific way in any of your course assignments?
  • Would you be willing to share your experiences with the wider CC faculty community?

If so, please fill out the following form. Thank you!

Resources from the CTL ChatGPT Workshop | March 28, 2023

Principles of using ChatGPT in learning spaces: Do’s and Don’ts you might want to consider.

View the workshop slides here.

References and Additional Resources

Teaching focused

Bigger picture + Background

Participant-sent resources