Intermediate/Advanced Production
ART 149 SC-01: Intermediate Video Art
- Instructor: Lin, Jessica
- Monday/Wednesday; 10:00-12:00 p.m.
- Room 214, Lang Art Bldg
- Intermediate/Advanced Production
Students continue to develop digital video projects and experiment with expanded video practices such as creating motion graphics for video using Adobe software; projections, installations, and additional video forms. Production is augmented by critiques, screenings, and discussions of conceptual and formal ideas. This course may be taken twice for credit. Prerequisite: ART 148 SC or equivalent.
MS 090 PZ-01: Ecodocumentary
- Instructor: Kaneko, Ann
- Monday/Wednesday; 1:15-2:30 p.m.
- Room A103, Atherton Hall
- Intermediate/Advanced Production
In recent years, as the Anthropocene has become a central framework within the academy, the subfield of ecocinema has developed within media studies. This course will focus on ecodocumentary. Topics include environmental/manmade catastrophe, industrialization, anthropogenic climate change, interspecies relations, ecojustice, environmental racism, consumerism and waste. Readings will draw from a range of fields including ecocriticism and ecocinema studies. Supported by the Robert Redford Conservancy (RRC), this course will teach students the history, theory and production of ecodocumentary. By the end of the course, student teams will have collaborated with RRC partners in the Inland Empire to create short documentaries.
MS 093 PZ-01: Experimental Media Studio
- Instructor: Ma, Ming-Yuen
- Thursday; 1:15-4:00 p.m.
- Room Q116, West Hall
- Intermediate/Advanced Production
An intermediate production course that engages with media practices outside of the traditional single-channel film or videotapes made for broadcast or screening in a theatre. New genres and hybrid media forms including installation, performance, and tactical media are explored through a series of readings, lectures, presentations, and creative assignments in both individual and group projects.
MS 102 PO-01: Cinematography
Instructor: Cecchet, Alessia Lupo
- Friday; 1:15-4:00 p.m.
- Room Q120, West Hall, PZ Campus
- Media Theory or Intermediate/Advanced Production
In this theory/practice course, students will learn to analyze and assess the use of cinematography in film while at the same time they will learn the fundamentals of exposure, camera lenses and sensors, framing and composition, lighting and rigging. Students will practice their critical thinking through the screening of feature-length and short form films and the reading of academic works, while at the same time they will learn how to interact and control light through a hands-on approach. Students with limited knowledge on cameras, lights, and lenses are strongly encouraged to enroll.
MS 130 SC-01: New Media Research Studio
- Instructor: Wing, Carlin
- Tuesday/Thursday; 1:15-3:45 p.m.
- Room 214, Lang Art Bldg
- Intermediate/Advanced Production or Media History
New Media Research Studio is a class dedicated to the applied and participatory study of new media, materials, environments and platforms. It uses the term “new” to pivot around the historical conditions and everyday practices of contemporary media. Students will explore the social, cultural, economic, and political dimension of phenomena such as social media, mobile gaming, live streaming, digital fabrication, internet art, automation, and augmented reality. Through immersive independent investigations that will take the form of “travelogues,” they will learn how to define and develop projects that employ historical, ethnographic, and artistic methods of research and production. Prerequisites: MS 049, 050, 051, and an Introductory Production class in Media Studies.
MS 131 SC-01: Interactive Narrative Design
- Instructor: Moralde, Oscar
- Monday/Wednesday; 10:00-12:30 p.m.
- Room 229, Steele Hall
- Intermediate/Advanced Production
This course situates narrative writing as a key design practice for the creation of games and other interactive experiences. Students will learn to use Twine, HTML/CSS, Adobe Photoshop & After Effects, to build their own websites as interactive narrative games. They will also embark on creative writing and web design projects that integrate visual art, animation, narrative and rule-based play.
MS 194 PZ-01: Media Justice: Community Archives
- Instructor: Lamb, Gina
- Monday; 2:45-5:30 p.m.
- Room Q116, West Hall
- Intermediate/Advanced Production
Media for Justice: Community Archives Media for Justice: Community Archives is a combination of analysis, theory and hands-on service-learning that explores how participatory media archive creation empowers under-represented groups to self-determine public access to online community histories. Students will be linked with community collaborators including Native American Tribal Nations and LGBTQ arts/health organizations that utilize digital storytelling as a catalyst for action and visibility. Working with site mentors, students will prepare public-facing archives by cataloging digital documents, website design & planning events that showcase archives representing 25 years of community media from Pitzer?s Media Arts for Social Justice course.