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Sequential: A Meditation on Recurrence (Prof. Ghassan Sarkis, Pomona College)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Title: Sequential: A Meditation on Recurrence Speaker: Ghassan Sarkis, Department of Mathematics, Pomona College Abstract: Though I will share some adventures in sequence-generating neural networks just for fun, the majority of this talk will be concerned with Fibonacci sequences modulo $p$ and $p^2$ from data-inflected and number-theoretic perspectives, including questions about periods of the modular […]

GEMS April 15th Session

Harvey Mudd College at the Shanahan Teaching and Learning Center 301 Platt Blvd., Claremont, CA, United States

Applied Math Seminar: Emily de Jong (Caltech)

Claremont, CA, United States

Title: Modeling size distributions and collisions in cloud microphysics Abstract: Feedbacks between a warming atmosphere, emission of aerosols, and clouds and precipitation are one of the most difficult aspects for climate models to accurately capture. While these models operate at resolutions of tens or hundreds of kilometers, many of the physics that determine how and […]

Systems of homogeneous polynomials over finite fields with maximum number of common zeros (Sudhir Ghorpade, IIT Bombay)

Davidson Lecture Hall, CMC 340 E 9th St, Claremont, CA, United States

It is elementary and well known that a nonzero polynomial in one variable of degree d with coefficients in a field F has at most d zeros in F. It is meaningful to ask similar questions for systems of several polynomials in several variables of a fixed degree, provided the base field F is finite. […]

A Brief History of Calculating Machines (Prof. Yousef Daneshbod, University of La Verne)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Title: A Brief History of Calculating Machines Speaker: Yousef Daneshbod, Department of Mathematics, University of La Verne Abstract: Calculating machines are digital or analog devices designed to perform mathematical calculations. These machines have a long history, with the earliest known examples dating back to ancient times, when people used sticks and stones for counting. However, the […]

Bias in cubic Gauss sums: Patterson’s conjecture (Alex Dunn, CalTech)

Davidson Lecture Hall, CMC 340 E 9th St, Claremont, CA, United States

We prove, in this joint work with Maksym Radziwill, a 1978 conjecture of S. Patterson (conditional on the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis) concerning the bias of cubic Gauss sums. This explains a well-known numerical bias in the distribution of cubic Gauss sums first observed by Kummer in 1846. One important byproduct of our proof is that […]

Career Pathways in the Mathematical Sciences (ONLINE)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

In this panel we will have people from diverse backgrounds talking about their career pathways. The event will be fully online in the following link: https://cgu.zoom.us/j/89142368885?pwd=YkhkV24zbUZRV0p2d2xEelZtUmFmdz09Meeting ID: 891 4236 8885Passcode: 314159 We will have panelist's introductions at the beginning, and then the remaining time in breakout rooms so that our students and faculty can ask more […]

Towers and elementary embeddings in total relatively hyperbolic groups (Christopher Perez, Loyola University New Orleans)

Davidson Lecture Hall, CMC 340 E 9th St, Claremont, CA, United States

In a remarkable series of papers Zlil Sela classified the first-order theories of free groups and torsion-free hyperbolic groups using geometric structures he called towers, and independently Olga Kharlampovich and Alexei Myasnikov did the same using equivalent structures they called regular NTQ groups. It was later proved by Chloé Perin that if H is an […]

Quantum money from Brandt operators (Shahed Sharif, CSU San Marcos)

Roberts North 102, CMC

Public key quantum money is a replacement for paper money which has cryptographic guarantees against counterfeiting. We propose a new idea for public key quantum money. In the abstract sense, our bills are encoded as a joint eigenstate of a fixed system of commuting unitary operators. We show that the proposal is secure against black […]

CCMS Student Research Poster Session Fall 2023

Estella Courtyard 610 N College Ave, Claremont, CA, United States

The Claremont Center for the Mathematical Sciences (CCMS) Math Colloquium series begins with a student research poster session, showcasing the mathematical work of all students at the Claremont Colleges. Please join us on Wednesday, September 6th, in the Estella Courtyard at Pomona College to see the wealth of research projects that Claremont math students have […]

Numerical semigroups, minimal presentations, and posets (Chris O’Neill, SDSU)

Roberts North 102, CMC

A numerical semigroup is a subset S of the natural numbers that is closed under addition.  One of the primary attributes of interest in commutative algebra are the relations (or trades) between the generators of S; any particular choice of minimal trades is called a minimal presentation of S (this is equivalent to choosing a […]

Claremont Topology Seminar: Robert Bowden (HMC)

Fletcher 110, Pitzer College 1050 N Mills Ave, Claremont, CA, United States

Title: Chebyshev Threadings in Skein Algebras for Punctured Surfaces Abstract: Skein algebras are algebras of links in a surface quotiented by diagram-based equivalence relations based on the Kauffman bracket. In the case of surfaces with punctures, the skein algebra is generated by links as well as arcs between the punctures, and there are additional skein […]