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A tribute to Professor Ellis Cumberbatch (1934-2021)


Title: A tribute to Professor Ellis Cumberbatch (1934-2021) Abstract: The math colloquium on December 1st will be devoted to remembrances of our beloved CGU colleague Professor Ellis Cumberbatch, a pillar of the Claremont mathematics community, who passed away in September. Three brief talks by his friends and collaborators, Professor John Ockendon (University of Oxford), Dr. […]

CCMS Field Committee Meeting

Shanahan B460, Harvey Mudd College 301 Platt Blvd., Claremont, CA, United States

The Field Committee Meeting is our chance to socialize with our colleagues and coordinate our course offerings for the coming academic year (2022-2023). Please come to discuss course offerings and other synergistic items. Refreshments in the Shanahan sunken courtyard at HMC starting at 4:00, meeting in Shanahan B460 at 4:20. We will be back in […]

No-arbitrage Pricing in a Market for Position on a Multilane Freeway (Prof. Henry Schellhorn, CGU)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Title: No-arbitrage Pricing in a Market for Position on a Multilane Freeway Speaker: Henry Schellhorn, Department of Mathematics, Claremont Graduate University Abstract:  We introduce a trading mechanism allowing cars to change position in a multilane congested freeway by doing peer-to-peer transactions. For the car initiating the operation, or incoming car, the goal can be to […]