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Claremont Topology Seminar: Iris Yoon (Wesleyan University)

Estella 2099, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

We especially welcome all undergraduates and graduate students to attend topology seminar! Speaker: Iris Yoon (Wesleyan University) Title: Dowker duality, profunctors, and spectral sequences Abstract: I will present three short, new proofs of Dowker duality using various poset fiber lemmas. I will introduce modifications of joins and products of simplicial complexes called relational join and […]

Claremont Topology Seminar: Reginald Anderson (Claremont McKenna College)

Estella 2099, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

We especially welcome all undergraduates and graduate students to attend topology seminar! Speaker: Reginald Anderson (Claremont McKenna College) Title: Enumerative invariants from derived categories Abstract: We first review the definition of a quiver flag variety. Kalashnikov gave a formula for Givental's small J function in zero loci of quiver flag varieties, which we apply to […]

Claremont Topology Seminar: Scott Taylor (Colby College)

Estella 2099, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

We especially welcome all undergraduates and graduate students to attend topology seminar! Speaker: Scott Taylor (Colby College) Title: Genus 1 Bridge Number of Satellite Knots in Lens Spaces Abstract: In the mid-1950s, Horst Schubert introduced two ideas which turned out to have lasting impact in knot theory: satellite knots and bridge number. A Satellite knot […]

Claremont Topology Seminar: Sierra Knavel (Georgia Tech)

Estella 2099, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

We especially welcome all undergraduates and graduate students to attend topology seminar! Speaker: Sierra Knavel (Georgia Tech) Title: TBA Abstract: TBA

Claremont Topology Seminar: Sam Nelson (Claremont McKenna College)

Estella 2099, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

We especially welcome all undergraduates and graduate students to attend topology seminar! Speaker: Sam Nelson (Claremont McKenna College) Title: Virtual Biquandle Cocycle Quiver Representations Abstract: We construct a quiver representation valued invariant of virtual knots and links using virtual biquandle homology.

Claremont Topology Seminar: David Bachman (Pitzer College)

Estella 2099, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

We especially welcome all undergraduates and graduate students to attend topology seminar! Speaker: David Bachman (Pitzer College) Title: TBA Abstract: TBA