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Cusps in Convex Projective Geometry (Martin Bobb, IHES)


Convex real projective structures generalize hyperbolic structures in a rich way. We will discuss a class of manifolds introduced by Cooper Long and Tillmann, which include finite-volume cusped hyperbolic manifolds and other manifolds with well-controlled ends. These manifolds have nice deformation theoretic properties, and we will conclude with an existence theorem for novel structures on […]

Voronoi Tessellations: Optimal Quantization and Modeling Collective Behavior (Prof. Rustum Choksi)


Title: Voronoi Tessellations: Optimal Quantization and Modeling Collective Behavior Speaker: Prof. Rustum Choksi, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University Abstract:  Given a set of N distinct points (generators) in a domain (a bounded subset of Euclidean space or a compact Riemannian manifold), a Voronoi tessellation is a partition of the domain into N regions […]

Kauffman Bracket Skein Modules and their Structure (Rhea Palak Bakshi, ETH Zurich)


Skein modules were introduced by Jozef H. Przytycki as generalisations of the Jones and HOMFLYPT polynomial link invariants in the 3-sphere to arbitrary 3-manifolds. The Kauffman bracket skein module (KBSM) is the most extensively studied of all. However, computing the KBSM of a 3-manifold is notoriously hard, especially over the ring of Laurent polynomials. With […]

Towards Knot Homology for 3-Manifolds (Aaron Mazel-Gee, California Institute of Technology)


The Jones polynomial is an invariant of knots in R^3. Following a proposal of Witten, it was extended to knots in 3-manifolds by Reshetikhin-Turaev using quantum groups. Khovanov homology is a categorification of the Jones polynomial of a knot in R^3, analogously to how ordinary homology is a categorification of the Euler characteristic of a […]

On Invariants for Surface-Links in Entropic Magmas via Marked Graph Diagrams (Seonmi Choi, Kyungpook Natl U, Korea)


M. Niebrzydowski and J. H. Przytycki defined a Kauffman bracket magma and constructed the invariant P of framed links in 3-space. The invariant is closely related to the Kauffman bracket polynomial. The normalized bracket polynomial is obtained from the Kauffman bracket polynomial by the multiplication of indeterminate and it is an ambient isotopy invariant for […]

Modeling the waning and boosting of immunity (Prof. Lauren Childs)


Title: Modeling the waning and boosting of immunity Speaker: Dr. Lauren Childs Assistant Professor and the Cliff and Agnes Lilly Faculty Fellow Virgina Tech Abstract: Infectious disease often leads to significant loss of life and burden on society. Understanding disease dynamics is essential to the development and implementation of earlier and more effective interventions. Traditionally, perfect, […]

Experimental Knot Music v2 (Sam Nelson, CMC)


In this talk I will recount the history of my knot theory-based music project and show an example of my method for creating music from knot homsets.

A tribute to Professor Ellis Cumberbatch (1934-2021)


Title: A tribute to Professor Ellis Cumberbatch (1934-2021) Abstract: The math colloquium on December 1st will be devoted to remembrances of our beloved CGU colleague Professor Ellis Cumberbatch, a pillar of the Claremont mathematics community, who passed away in September. Three brief talks by his friends and collaborators, Professor John Ockendon (University of Oxford), Dr. […]

Collective Behavior in Locust Swarms from Data to Differential Equations (Prof. Jasper Weinburd)


Title: Collective Behavior in Locust Swarms from Data to Differential Equations   Prof. Jasper Weinburd Department of Mathematics Harvey Mudd College   Abstract: Locusts are devastating pests that infest and destroy crops. Locusts forage and migrate in large swarms which exhibit distinctive shapes that improve efficiency on the group level, a phenomenon known as collective […]