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Spring Teaching Tune-Up


Spring Teaching Tune-Up

January 15th, 9am-3pm, Shanahan Center @ HMC

This CTL hosted free micro-conference on teaching, advising, and scholarship will help you get ready for the Spring Semester.

Please RSVP here:  https://goo.gl/forms/KgZwJi1zgWE8JYrn1


9:00 Gathering and Welcome (Shanahan 2454)


Shanahan 2450, 9:15-10:30am

A1. Accessibility and Universal Design for Learning: Reaching All Learners. What are accessibility guidelines for course design? How can we develop learning experiences that are effective for a wide range of learners? This presentation will introduce accessibility and Universal Design for Learning as a straightforward framework for developing inclusive instruction. We’ll discuss the basics of accessibility and UDL, provide some examples of how they can be applied in higher education, and then open up to a discussion of how UDL fits at the Claremont Colleges. Facilitated by James Sadler and Yi Luo, HMC.

Shanahan 2460, 9:15-10:30

A2. The Transparent Syllabus A syllabus can be so much more than a list of rules and assignments. It’s actually a great opportunity to introduce your passion for the topic, convey your high expectations for and belief in your students, and provide a roadmap for success in your course.  This workshop will use basic principles of “Transparent Teaching” (Task-Purpose-Criteria_ and apply them to syllabus design and usage.  Bring a syllabus to work on!  Facilitated by Jessica Tinklenberg, CTL.

10:30 – 10:45 AM: Break

Shanahan 2450, 10:45-12:00

B1. Managing and Maximizing Your Scholarly Impact This workshop will provide you with practical strategies and tips for promoting your scholarship, increasing your citations, and monitoring your success. You’ll also learn how to understand metrics, use scholarly networking tools, and take advantage of opportunities for Open Access scholarship. Facilitated by Jennifer Beamer, Scholarly Communications Librarian.

Shanahan 2460, 10:45-12:00

B2. Understanding Advising as a Teaching and Learning Process Becoming a better advisor is what many faculty members (and staff) strive to do, but it can be difficult finding helpful strategies to improve our interactions with students. What are strategies that faculty may employ to be better advisers and how does one develop a pedagogy around advising?   Facilitated by Deborah Faye Carter, CTL.

12 – 1 PM: Lunch and Table Discussions (Shanahan 2454)

Shanahan 2450, 1:00-2:15

C1. Practicing Digital Pedagogy This workshop will encourage participants to consider the pedagogical issues at stake in the digital classroom. Why introduce students to advanced digital tools and research methods? What are the learning outcomes that we expect from student engagement with these tools? Are they unique to digital projects? Participants in this workshop will work together to develop potential digital assignments or projects to adopt in upcoming courses.  Facilitated by Leigh Lieberman and Aaron Hodges, Digital Humanities Initiative at the Claremont Colleges

Shanahan 2460, 1:00-2:15

C2. Classroom First(s) There are many firsts in the semester — the first day, the first five minutes of class, the first assignment, the first feedback. Each first presents an opportunity frame or reframe the classroom experience and to begin to develop significant learning experiences. This workshop will focus on ways of using these opportunities to enhance transparency and student learning. Participants in the workshop will generate ideas and approaches to some of these firsts.  Facilitated by Jeremy Schnieder, CGU

2:15 – 3 PM: Closing Reception (Shanahan 2454)