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Harvey-Mudd College

MS 120 HM-01: Animal Media Studies

  • Instructor: Mayeri, Rachel
    • Tuesday/Thursday; 2:45-4:00PM
    • Room 2425 (Shanahan Center)
    • Media Theory

This course will examine representations of animals in film – wildlife documentaries, animated features, critter cams, scientific data, and video art – to address fundamental questions about human and animal nature and culture. Animal Studies is an interdisciplinary field in which scholars from philosophy, biology, media studies, and literature consider the subjective lives of animals, the representations of animals in media and literature, and the shifting boundary line between human and animal. In readings, screenings, and discussions, we will consider the cultural and material lives of humans and animals through the lenses of science, art, literature, and film. HSA Writing Intensive: No

MS 172 HM-01: Third Cinema

  • Instructor: Balseiro, Isabel
    • Tuesday/Thursday; 9:35-10:50AM
    • Room 2465 (Shanahan Center)
    • Media History/Media Theory

Emerging in Latin America in the 1960s and 1970s, the notion of Third Cinema takes its inspiration from the Cuban revolution and from Brazil’s Cinema Novo. Third Cinema is the art of political film making and represents an alternative cinematic practice to that offered by mainstream film industries. This course explores the aesthetics of film making from a revolutionary consciousness in three regions: Africa, Asia, and Latin America. HSA Writing Intensive: No

MUS 067 HM-01: Film Music

  • Instructor: TBA
    • Friday; 1:15-4:30PM
    • Room B480 (Shanahan Center)
    • Elective

This course is an exploration of the history and aesthetics of the use of music in cinema, primarily the Hollywood film from the so-called silent era to the present. (We will not cover musicals, documentaries, or short films.) The course will include the development of skills of listening analysis and writing about music in the context of narrative film. No background in music or film history is required. HSA Writing Intensive: No