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What Happens when Our Perspectives Don’t Align with the Math? (Anne Cawley, Cal Poly Pomona)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Speaker: Anne Cawley, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, Cal Poly Pomona, CA Title: What Happens When Our Perspectives Don’t Align with the Math? Abstract: Many people often share that they like math because there is “one right answer” and is an objective field. Once they find the answer, they are done with a problem. […]

CCMS Colloquium: “Paths in Mathematics After Undergrad” Panel

CCMS Colloquium: “Paths in Mathematics After Undergrad” Panel We will be holding a virtual panel on careers and grad school after a bachelor’s mathematics degree, with a follow-up discussion time in breakout rooms. Panelists Brianna Huynh (PO-2024), MS student in MathEd at Cal Poly Pomona Taylor McAdam (HMC-2013), Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, at Pomona […]

Frameworks in Motion: Design, Theory, and Fabrication (Jessica Sidman, Amherst College

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Speaker: Jessica Sidman, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Amherst College Title: Frameworks in Motion: Design, Theory, and Fabrication Abstract: What do your umbrella, a folding gate, and a scissor lift have in common? They all involve frameworks made of rigid parts attached at flexible joints and are designed to move with one degree of freedom. […]

CCMS Colloquium: Braids, Polynomials, and Hilbert’s 13th Problem (Jesse Wolfson, UC Irvine)

Speaker:Jesse Wolfson, UC Irvine Title: Braids, Polynomials, and Hilbert’s 13th Problem Abstract: There are still completely open fundamental questions about polynomials in one variable. One example is Hilbert’s 13th Problem, a conjecture going back long before Hilbert. Indeed, the invention of algebraic topology grew out of an effort to understand how the roots of a […]

CCMS Colloquium: Dynamical Systems and the Period 3 Implies Chaos Theorem (Michelle Manes, AIM)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Speaker: Michelle Manes, AIM Title: Dynamical Systems and the Period 3 Implies Chaos Theorem Abstract: Sharkovskii’s theorem, sometimes called "period 3 implies chaos," concerns a one-dimensional real dynamical system: a function from the real line to itself that you iterate and study the orbits of points. This theorem is fascinating because of its very simple […]

CCMS Colloquium: Molecular Pasta, Complex Entanglement in Biopolymers (Dorothy Buck, Duke Uni.)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Speaker: Dorothy Buck, Professor of Mathematics, Duke University Title: Molecular Pasta: Complex Entanglement in Biopolymers Abstract: If you’ve cooked spaghetti, you’ve probably noticed how the pasta becomes entangled in the pot (especially in a small volume of water) or in your bowl afterwards.  This is a macro example of what I like to think about: […]

CCMS Colloquium: Sound Information is All You Need (Kobi Abayomi, Seton Hall University)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Speaker: Kobi Abayomi, Head of Science, Gumbel Demand Acceleration Title: Sound Information is All You Need Abstract: It turns out that affinity for a song is predictable from its sound. We explore the statistical predictability of aggregate song demand from an informational representation. ___________________________ Bio: Dr. Abayomi is the Head of Science for Gumbel Demand […]

CCMS Colloquium with Pre-Colloquium Reception:  Shahriar Shahriari (Pomona College)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

We will conclude the CCMS Fall Colloquium Series with a Pre-Colloquium Reception followed by a talk (details below). Pre-Colloquium Reception will begin at 3:30pm with foods and drink in the Estella Atrium. Following the reception, the colloquium talk will start at 4:30pm (Notice the change in time.) _____________________ Speaker: Shahriar Shahriari, Professor of Mathematics and […]

CCMS Colloquium: Math as the Gateway for STEM Achievement and Access: The Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM) Program (Dan Zaharopol, CEO BEAM)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Speaker: Daniel Zaharopol, Founder of Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM), (AoPSI) The Art of Problem Solving Initiative, Inc. Title: Math as the Gateway for STEM Achievement and Access: The Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM) Program Abstract: Knowing facts is not enough to drive success in STEM fields: one also needs strong problem solving, […]

CCMS Colloquium: (Hrushikesh Mhaskar, Claremont Grad Uni.)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Speaker: Hrushikesh Mhaskar, Distinguished Research Professor of Mathematics, Claremont Graduate University Title: Local Analysis Of Global Data Abstract: For a periodic integrable function f, the definition of Fourier coefficients requires the values of f on the entire period. We refer to such data as “global” data. Even though the sequence of Fourier coefficients determines f […]

CCMS Colloquium: Stochastic Agent-Based Models in Mathematical Biology (Nabil Fadai, University of Nottingham)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Speaker: Nabil Fadai, Professor of Mathematical Biology, University of Nottingham Title: Stochastic Agent-Based Models in Mathematical Biology Abstract: In the last decade, there has been a movement to describe biological and social systems via agent-based models, which track individual agents (organisms, cells, people) and their environment through a set of deterministic and probabilistic rules. In this talk, […]