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A Group-Theoretic Ax-Katz Theorem (Pete L. Clark, University of Georgia)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Title: A Group-Theoretic Ax-Katz Theorem Speaker: Pete L. Clark, University of Georgia Abstract: The Chevalley-Warning Theorem is a result from 1935 asserting that the number of solutions to a low degree polynomial system over a finite field is divisible by the characteristic of the field.  It is an important result -- it includes a conjecture […]

Teaching Equity-minded Active Mathematics: A model for Instructional Change (Amelia Stone-Johnstone, CSU Fullerton)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Title: Teaching Equity-minded Active Mathematics: A model for Instructional Change Speaker: ​Amelia Stone-Johnstone, Department of Mathematics, California State University, Fullerton Abstract: Active learning has been championed as a mechanism for greater student learning and participation in STEM. However, recent studies have demonstrated how active learning without an explicit equity focus may harm students from historically […]

A Survey of Diophantine Equations (Edray Goins, Pomona College)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Title: A Survey of Diophantine Equations Speaker: ​Edray Herber Goins, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, Pomona College Abstract: There are many beautiful identities involving positive integers. For example, Pythagoras knew $3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2$ while Plato knew $3^3 + 4^3 + 5^3 = 6^3$. Euler discovered $59^4 + 158^4 = 133^4 + 134^4$, and even […]

CCMS Colloquium Presents the Fall 2024 Course Preview Session

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

For the next CCMS Colloquium on April 3rd Wednesday, we invite all MATH faculty, and students intending to enroll in upper division math courses to attend the Fall 2024 Course Preview Session of all the upper division math courses offered across the consortium in Fall 2024. Faculty, We strongly encourage you to attend so that […]

Structural Ramsey Theory and Logic (Lynn Scow, CSUSB)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Title: Structural Ramsey Theory and Logic Speaker: Lynn Scow, Professor of Mathematics, California State University, San Bernardino Abstract: The connection between Ramsey theory and logic goes back to Frank P. Ramsey's 1929 paper in which he announced his famous Ramsey theorem for finite sequences.  This theorem states that for any partition of all sequences of length […]

CCMS Colloquium: Inaugurual Barbara Beechler Lecture

CCMS Colloquium invites you to the final talk of the 2023-2024 academic year and the inaugural Barbara Beechler Lecture by Professor Judy Grabiner, Flora Sanborn Pitzer Professor of Mathematics Emerita. Title: It’s All for the Best: Optimization in the History of Science Abstract: Many problems, from optics to economics, can be solved mathematically by finding […]

An Invitation to Enumerative Geometric Combinatorics (Andrés R. Vindas Meléndez, Harvey Mudd College)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Speaker: Andrés R. Vindas Meléndez, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont CA Title: An Invitation to Enumerative Geometric Combinatorics Abstract: Enumerative geometric combinatorics is an area of mathematics concerned with counting properties of geometric objects described by a finite set of building blocks. Lattice polytopes are geometric objects that can be formed by taking […]

A polyhedral view of refined q-t Catalan numbers (Max Hlavacek, Pomona College)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Title: A polyhedral view of refined q-t Catalan numbers Speaker: Max Hlavacek Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics department, Pomona College, Claremont Abstract: Many problems in algebraic combinatorics have geometric objects lurking in the background, and bringing these objects forward can shed some light on the original problem.  We begin with an introduction to polyhedral cones and their […]

What Happens when Our Perspectives Don’t Align with the Math? (Anne Cawley, Cal Poly Pomona)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Speaker: Anne Cawley, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, Cal Poly Pomona, CA Title: What Happens When Our Perspectives Don’t Align with the Math? Abstract: Many people often share that they like math because there is “one right answer” and is an objective field. Once they find the answer, they are done with a problem. […]

CCMS Colloquium: “Paths in Mathematics After Undergrad” Panel

CCMS Colloquium: “Paths in Mathematics After Undergrad” Panel We will be holding a virtual panel on careers and grad school after a bachelor’s mathematics degree, with a follow-up discussion time in breakout rooms. Panelists Brianna Huynh (PO-2024), MS student in MathEd at Cal Poly Pomona Taylor McAdam (HMC-2013), Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics, at Pomona […]

Frameworks in Motion: Design, Theory, and Fabrication (Jessica Sidman, Amherst College

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Speaker: Jessica Sidman, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, Amherst College Title: Frameworks in Motion: Design, Theory, and Fabrication Abstract: What do your umbrella, a folding gate, and a scissor lift have in common? They all involve frameworks made of rigid parts attached at flexible joints and are designed to move with one degree of freedom. […]