Monodromy groups of Belyi Lattes maps (Edray Goins, Pomona College)
Estella 1021 (Emmy Noether Room), Pomona College Claremont, CA, United StatesAn elliptic curve $ E: y^2 + a_1 \, x \, y + a_3 \, y = x^3 + a_2 \, x^2 + a_1 \, x + a_6 $ is […]
An elliptic curve $ E: y^2 + a_1 \, x \, y + a_3 \, y = x^3 + a_2 \, x^2 + a_1 \, x + a_6 $ is […]
CLAREMONT CENTER for the MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Fall 2022 Poster Session Title Speaker(s) A New Basis for k-Local Class Functions Hannah Friedman A Quantile Deffuant-Weisbuch Model of Opinion Dynamics Julianna […]
The theory of compact linear operators between Banach spaces has a classical core and is familiar to many. Perhaps lesser known is the factorization of compact maps through a closed […]
The existence of a set $A\subset \N_0$ of positive upper Banach density such that $A-A:=\{m-n:m, n\in A, m>n\}$ does not contain a set of the form $S-S$ with $S$ a […]
Title: Continuity Versus Uniform Continuity Speaker: Gerald Beer, Department of Mathematics, California State University Abstract: In this talk we discuss the class of metric spaces - called the UC-spaces - whose members have […]
The first meeting of this semester's seminar in the history and philosophy of mathematics will take place on Monday, September 19th from 3 to 4 PM in Avery 202 on the Pitzer Campus (and […]
Title: Computational Approaches to Optimization Problems in Inhomogeneous Rods and Plates Abstract: In this talk, we will show the experiments of the vibration of plates to generate Chladni's figures and […]
An arithmetical structure on a finite, connected graph G without loops is given by an assignment of positive integers to the vertices such that, at each vertex, the integer there […]
Title: An introduction to algebraic statistics Speaker: Luis David Garcia Puente, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Colorado College Abstract: Algebraic statistics is an interdisciplinary field that uses tools from computational […]
Noncommutative metric geometry is the study of certain noncommuative algebras in the context of metric geometry. For instance, the Lipschitz constant (which measures the maximum slope obtained by a real-valued […]
This talk discusses a puzzle called “Spinning Switches,” based on a problem popularized by Martin Gardner in his February 1979 column of “Mathematical Games". This puzzle can be generalized to […]
Title: Between Yes and No: making decisions under uncertainty. Speaker: Ami Radunskaya, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Pomona College Abstract: Often we attempt to answer a question with a “yes” or a […]