CCMS Colloquium presents “Fall 2025 Course Preview Session”
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More information TBA
Title: TBA Abstract: TBA
We especially welcome all undergraduates and graduate students to attend topology seminar! Speaker: Sierra Knavel (Georgia Tech) Title: TBA Abstract: TBA
Speaker: Naneh Apkarian Professor of Mathematics, Arizona State University, Arizona Title: TBA Abstract: TBA Bio: TBA
Title: TBA Abstract: TBA
We especially welcome all undergraduates and graduate students to attend topology seminar! Speaker: Sam Nelson (Claremont McKenna College) Title: Virtual Biquandle Cocycle Quiver Representations Abstract: We construct a quiver representation […]
Speaker: Shivkumar Chandrasekaran, UC Santa Barbara Title: TBA Abstract: TBA Bio: TBA
We especially welcome all undergraduates and graduate students to attend topology seminar! Speaker: David Bachman (Pitzer College) Title: TBA Abstract: TBA
CCMS Colloquium invites you to the Second Barbara Beechler Lecture by Professor Deanna Needell, Professor of Mathematics, Dunn Family Endowed Chair in Data Theory Executive Director, Institute for Digital Research […]