Week of Events
Numerical semigroups, minimal presentations, and posets (Chris O’Neill, SDSU)
Numerical semigroups, minimal presentations, and posets (Chris O’Neill, SDSU)
A numerical semigroup is a subset S of the natural numbers that is closed under addition. One of the primary attributes of interest in commutative algebra are the relations (or trades) between the generators of S; any particular choice of minimal trades is called a minimal presentation of S (this is equivalent to choosing a […]
Claremont Topology Seminar: Robert Bowden (HMC)
Claremont Topology Seminar: Robert Bowden (HMC)
Title: Chebyshev Threadings in Skein Algebras for Punctured Surfaces Abstract: Skein algebras are algebras of links in a surface quotiented by diagram-based equivalence relations based on the Kauffman bracket. In the case of surfaces with punctures, the skein algebra is generated by links as well as arcs between the punctures, and there are additional skein […]
Diving into Math with Emmy Noether
Diving into Math with Emmy Noether
Title: Diving into Math with Emmy Noether Starring: Anita Zieher; Director: Sandra Schueddekopf Abstract: A theatre performance by Portraittheater Vienna in co-operation with Freie Universität Berlin about the life of one of history's most influential mathematicians. Based on historical documents and events, the script was written by Sandra Schüddekopf and Anita Zieher in cooperation with […]