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Week of Events
History and Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar: Julia Tomasson (Columbia University)
History and Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar: Julia Tomasson (Columbia University)
Inventing the ‘Islamic Golden Age’: Orientalism and the History of Mathematics Abstract: TBA
On the Cox ring of a weighted projective plane blown-up at a point (Javier Gonzalez Anaya, HMC)
On the Cox ring of a weighted projective plane blown-up at a point (Javier Gonzalez Anaya, HMC)
The Cox ring of a projective variety is the ring of all its meromorphic functions, together with a grading of geometric origin. Determining whether this ring is finitely generated is a challenging task, even for simple examples. In this talk, we will discuss our efforts to tackle this problem for a specific class of varieties, […]