Week of Events
Applied Math Seminar: Christina Edholm (Scripps College)
Applied Math Seminar: Christina Edholm (Scripps College)
Title: Controlling the unmanageable: insight into control methods for biological systems Abstract: When formulating a model for a biological system, often we want to use the model to understand the implications of management options and how to optimize the implementation. There are various methods for implementing management through control theory, ranging from basic, optimal control, […]
Localization techniques in equivariant cohomology (Reginald Anderson, CMC)
Localization techniques in equivariant cohomology (Reginald Anderson, CMC)
In order to understand a topological space X, it is often easier to understand X in terms of an action by a group G. When X is a compact complex manifold, we often let G be products of S^1 or \C^* acting in a nice way ("holomorphically") on X. This simplifies several calculations of an […]
Claremont Topology Seminar: Sam Nelson (CMC)
Claremont Topology Seminar: Sam Nelson (CMC)
We welcome all undergraduate/graduate students and faculty to attend topology seminar! Speaker: Sam Nelson (CMC) Title: Biquandle Module Quiver Representations Abstract: Biquandle module enhancements are invariants of knots and links generalizing the classical Alexander module invariant. A quiver categorification of these invariants was introduced in 2020. In this work-in-progress (joint with Yewon Joung from Hanyang […]