The Community of Ordinary Differential Equations Educators (CODEE) seeks to improve the teaching and learning of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The aim of the CODEE Journal, published by the Claremont Colleges Library, is to advance the teaching and learning of ODEs through the dissemination of materials that will be useful to both educators and education researchers.
From 1992–1997, CODEE (under its former name of “Consortium of ODE Experiments”), with generous support from the National Science Foundation, published the CODEE Newsletter that provided a regular source of ideas, inspiration, and experiments for instructors of ODEs. The goal of CODEE was to share the rapidly growing wealth of computational instruction techniques with as many teachers and students of differential equations as possible. Because computers are vital tools in helping students understand and visualize concepts in differential equations, CODEE also produced a software solver package called ODE Architect.