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Kiran S. Kedlaya

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Welcome Back Party


David Bachman, chair of the CCMS Executive Committee, hosts. Please join us as we welcome our new community members, socialize, and discuss how we’re all going to cope with the […]

Prof. Edray Goins


Title: Indiana Pols Forced to Eat Humble Pi, The Curious History of an Irrational Number Speaker: Prof. Edray Goins, Pomona College In 1897, Indiana physician Edwin J. Goodwin believed he […]

Prof. Sam Nelson


Title: Experimental Knot Music Abstract: In knot theory, there are algebraic structures we can use to distinguish different types of knots and links. In this talk we will ask an […]

Prof. Kiran Kedlaya


Title: Space vectors forming rational angles Abstract: We classify all possible configurations of vectors in three-dimensional space with the property that any two of the vectors form an angle whose […]

Student Research Presentations: I


4:20 pm Title: Methodology of Global Sensitivity Analysis for Determination of Important Parameters in a Mathematical Model Presenter: An Do (CGU) 4:30 pm Title: Using Data Science to gain insights […]

Student Research Presentations III


4:20 Title: Nested Links, Linking Matrices, and Crushtaceans Presenter: Madeline Brown (Scripps) 4:30 Title: Computing Cube Decisions for Backgammon Endgame Positions Presenter: Mathus Leungpathomaram (HMC) 4:40 Title: The Limiting Spectral […]

Student Research Presentations II


4:20pm Title: Measuring Publication Bias in Foreign Language Editions of Russian State-Owned Media Company RT Presenter: Benjamin Figueroa (CMC) 4:30pm Title:Multilingual Emoticon Prediction of Tweets about COVID-19 Presenter: Stefanos Stoikos […]