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Prof. Edray Goins


Title: Indiana Pols Forced to Eat Humble Pi, The Curious History of an Irrational Number Speaker: Prof. Edray Goins, Pomona College In 1897, Indiana physician Edwin J. Goodwin believed he […]

Prof. Sam Nelson


Title: Experimental Knot Music Abstract: In knot theory, there are algebraic structures we can use to distinguish different types of knots and links. In this talk we will ask an […]

Prof. Kiran Kedlaya


Title: Space vectors forming rational angles Abstract: We classify all possible configurations of vectors in three-dimensional space with the property that any two of the vectors form an angle whose […]

Student Research Presentations: I


4:20 pm Title: Methodology of Global Sensitivity Analysis for Determination of Important Parameters in a Mathematical Model Presenter: An Do (CGU) 4:30 pm Title: Using Data Science to gain insights […]

Student Research Presentations III


4:20 Title: Nested Links, Linking Matrices, and Crushtaceans Presenter: Madeline Brown (Scripps) 4:30 Title: Computing Cube Decisions for Backgammon Endgame Positions Presenter: Mathus Leungpathomaram (HMC) 4:40 Title: The Limiting Spectral […]

Student Research Presentations II


4:20pm Title: Measuring Publication Bias in Foreign Language Editions of Russian State-Owned Media Company RT Presenter: Benjamin Figueroa (CMC) 4:30pm Title:Multilingual Emoticon Prediction of Tweets about COVID-19 Presenter: Stefanos Stoikos […]

Prof. Jemma Lorenat


Title: A competent translation/a pitiful bungle: The Foundations of Geometry Abstract: David Hilbert’s Grundlagen der Geometrie is a rare example of a historical mathematics text that is still profitably read […]

Prof. Satyan Devadoss


Title: Unsolved Mathematics at Burning Man Abstract: Rising 12 feet tall with an 18-foot wingspan, a 2-ton unfolding dodecahedron comes to life at Burning Man, the world’s most influential large-scale […]