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Applied Math Seminar: Linh Huynh (University of Utah)

Claremont, CA, United States

Title:Inferring birth and death rates from population size time series data Abstract: Models of population dynamics are usually formulated and analyzed with net growth rates. However, separately identifying birth and […]

Reading Topology from Open Books (Prof. Bahar Acu, Pitzer College)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Title: Reading Topology from Open Books Speaker: Bahar Acu, Department of Mathematics, Pitzer College Abstract: How can we study topological shapes that are outside the realm of our imagination? In this talk, we […]

Applied Math Seminar: Ivy Xiong (USC)

Claremont, CA, United States

Title: A common pathway to cancer: oncogenic mutations abolish p53 oscillations. Abstract: The tumor suppressor p53 oscillates in response to DNA double-strand breaks, a behavior that has been suggested to be […]

Noise stability of ranked choice voting (Steven Heilman, USC)

Davidson Lecture Hall, CMC 340 E 9th St, Claremont, CA, United States

Given votes for candidates, what is the best way to determine the winner of the election, if some of the votes have been corrupted or miscounted?  As we saw in […]

Applied Math Seminar: Johannes Brust (UCSD)

Claremont, CA, United States

Title: PLSS: A Projected Linear Systems Solver (joint work with Michael Saunders) Abstract: Iteratively solving linear systems has proven to be useful for many large applications. Projection methods use sketching […]

Sequential: A Meditation on Recurrence (Prof. Ghassan Sarkis, Pomona College)

Argue Auditorium, Pomona College 610 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA, United States

Title: Sequential: A Meditation on Recurrence Speaker: Ghassan Sarkis, Department of Mathematics, Pomona College Abstract: Though I will share some adventures in sequence-generating neural networks just for fun, the majority […]

GEMS April 15th Session

Harvey Mudd College at the Shanahan Teaching and Learning Center 301 Platt Blvd., Claremont, CA, United States

Applied Math Seminar: Emily de Jong (Caltech)

Claremont, CA, United States

Title: Modeling size distributions and collisions in cloud microphysics Abstract: Feedbacks between a warming atmosphere, emission of aerosols, and clouds and precipitation are one of the most difficult aspects for […]