Week of Events
History and Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar: Louis Beaugris (Kean University)
History and Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar: Louis Beaugris (Kean University)
A mathematician and all his functions: The untold story of Lucien Hibbert. Abstract: Even with his achievements in mathematics, academia, politics, and international affairs, Lucien Hibbert is nearly unknown, even in his native land of Haiti. Our aim is to present a biography of him that includes his family ties, his education, his PhD thesis, and […]
Applied Math Seminar: Evan Rosenman (CMC)
Applied Math Seminar: Evan Rosenman (CMC)
Title: Recalibration of Predicted Probabilities Using the "Logit Shift": Why Does It Work, and When Can It Be Expected to Work Well? Abstract: In the context of election analysis, researchers frequently face the "recalibration problem." That is: they must reconcile individual-level vote probabilities, modeled prior to the election, with vote totals observed in each precinct […]
Deep hole lattices and isogenies of elliptic curves (Lenny Fukshansky, CMC)
Deep hole lattices and isogenies of elliptic curves (Lenny Fukshansky, CMC)
For a lattice L in the plane, we define the affiliated deep hole lattice H(L) to be spanned by a shortest vector of L and the furthest removed vector from the lattice contained in the triangle with sides corresponding to the shortest basis vectors. We study the geometric and arithmetic properties of deep hole lattices, […]
Claremont Topology Seminar: Wenyuan Li (USC)
Claremont Topology Seminar: Wenyuan Li (USC)
Title: Generating families on Lagrangian cobordisms Abstract: An important question in contact topology is to understand Legendrian knots and their relations given by Lagrangian cobordisms. In the contact manifold T*M x R, an important tool to study Legendrian knots and their Lagrangian cobordisms is called generating families or generating functions, which are generalizations of the […]
What is a moduli space? (Javier Gonzalez Anaya, HMC)
What is a moduli space? (Javier Gonzalez Anaya, HMC)
Title: What is a moduli space? Speaker: Javier Gonzalez Anaya, Department of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College Abstract: A natural endeavour in mathematics is to classify objects according to their properties. For example, we can readily identify straight lines in the plane, or recognize different kinds of triangles depending on their symmetries. Less intuitive, however, is that […]