
If you have a gender or women’s studies-related event that you would like to add to the IFC calendar please email
Upcoming Events
CWR + IFC Zine Making Workshop
Wednesday, February 5 at Noon, Scripps College, Vita Nova Conference room 104
Past Events
Birthing Justice panel, Thursday, April 11 at 4:30p, Black Women, Pregnancy and Childbirth (Routledge, 2023).
Film Screening, Beyond Bars, Thursday, March 28, 2024
Student Activist Networking Luncheon, Tuesday, March 26, 2024
CWR + IFC Zine Making Workshop, March 1
“Still Working 9 to 5” A Feature-Length Documentary
Film screening, Personhood: Policing Pregnant Women in America
Conversations on Reproductive Justice: Economies of Motherhood: Reproductive Justice in a Globalizing World
Co-sponsored with the Pulitzer Center
“Reproductive Justice and the Prison Industrial Complex”
Lynn Paltrow, J.D., Executive Director, Pregnancy Justice
Co-sponsored with the 5C Prison Abolition Collective
CWR + IFC Zine Making Workshop
Abolition is Feminism, Feminism is Abolition Conference
Detailed conference information here. Speaker Bios here.
Dionne Bensonsmith; Co-founder/Co-director, Mothers on the Frontline Talk: Beyond Parity: Why Children’s Mental Health is a Justice Issue
Localizing the Global: Cities and International Women’s Rights with Heidi Nichols Haddad
Grace Berry Award Recipients; with guest speaker: Michelle Téllez: Assistant Professor of Mexican American Studies at the University of Arizona; Grace Berry Award recipient, 2003: Ph.D., CGU, 2005; Beyond the Wall: Fronteriza Imaginaries in the Everyday; Thinking beyond geopolitical demarcations at the US/Mexico border and imagining the borderlands as a space of feminist resistance, conviviality, agency, and creative community building.
Collaborative Gender Thesis Chat & Collaborative Gender Thesis Meet & Greet
“Almost President: A Post Election Look At Women and The Highest Glass Ceiling”; Speaker: Ellen Fitzpatrick, Professor of History, University of New Hampshire
A Panel Discussion on Gender, Policing and Public Health
Panelist: Danielle M. Dupuy and Jade Rivera
Talk with Rachel Teukolsky – George Eliot and Hannah Arendt: Philosophies of the Pariah
Andrea J. Ritchie, “Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color”