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Printmaking Skill Share

CA, United States

Screen Printing is used by many, from artists to fashion industry professionals. In our introductory skill shares, find out what makes this medium so compelling for so many. Registration required! RSVP on our Eventbrite page!

Made @ the Hive: Disassembly

CA, United States

We spend so much time making things, let's take something apart for a change! Ever wonder what it is that makes something work? The answer is in disassembly! We will carefully deconstruct items like suit jackets and vintage VCRs to see exactly what makes them tick. Registration required! RSVP on our Eventbrite page starting 3/7!

Blue Tape Mural

The Hive - 130 E 7th Street, Claremont, CA 91711 130 E. 7th St, Claremont, CA, United States

Discover all the things you can create with blue tape while designing this year’s annual Blue Tape Mural at the Hive. RSVP required! Reserve your spot on Eventbrite!

36 Questions to Make Friends with Anyone

Studio 1 -- The Hive 130 E 7th St, Claremont, United States

Join us as we ask 36 questions that can help you make friends with anyone! You may just find a friend for life. RSVP required! Reserve your spot on Eventbrite!

Sound Recording Skill Share

Soundbox -- The Hive 130 E 7th St, Claremont, CA, United States

Do you dream of recording your own music or hosting your own podcast? Our Sound Recording skill share is the perfect first step on that path. Learn how to work with audio equipment and software from your peers at the Hive. Registration Required! Please RSVP on our Eventbrite!

Made @ The Hive: Blockprinting

Commons -- The Hive 130 E 7th St, Claremont, CA, United States

Join us to learn the basics of blockprinting! We'll show you how to design, carve, and print using rubber blocks, and you'll walk away with your own card design! RSVP required! Reserve your spot on Eventbrite!

Sheet Repurposing w/ Pomona Free Room

Walker Beach 700 N. College Way, Claremont, CA, United States

Join us and the Pomona Free Room to create screen printed, repurposed sheet wall hangings. Give your dorm room the accent wall it needs! No reservation required, find us near Walker Beach.

Sewing Skill Share

Sewing Shed - The Hive

Learn the basics of sewing by hand and with a machine from our student proctors.  Registration required! Please RSVP on our Eventbrite page!