Student Wellness Design
Funded by the Hive and a generous donor, the 2021 Hive Wellness Design Fellowship Program directly empowered five student teams to apply design thinking in the world for positive social impact and community wellness. This 6-week fellowship included 13 Claremont Colleges students receiving $2500 stipends each. In total, 9 team proposals including 24 Claremont Colleges students applied. Each team was mentored by Hive faculty in a combination of equity based, human-centered design and systems thinking. Learn more about each project by clicking on the links below.
Mindfulness and Wellbeing
Design physical spaces to encourage students’ mindfulness and to slow down in their daily lives.
Vending for Sexual Health
Dismantle stigma surrounding mental and sexual health and increase access to sexual health resources.
Reframing Mental Health Community Support at the 5Cs
Design mental and emotional community support for students returning to campus post-COVID.
Inspiring Student Engagement and Action Around the Water Crisis
Educate students about the water crisis, encourage sustainability, and build community on campus.
Building Digital Asset Wealth to Help Close the Wealth Gap
Create wealth for marginalized communities in the emerging digital economy.